liable for (is a man liable for his wife’s debts in your country?i (A solicitor may act as advocate in county courts, petty sessions, quarter sessions (where no bar), and in most other inferior courts. Also in chambers, in the Supreme Court. A solicitor can sue for costs, but is liable for negligence – JBSt
فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه
responsible; answerable; accountable; answerable
فرهنگ تشریحی - کاربردی حقوق تالیف هرمز رشدیه
(in job titles in Iran) often used as a modifier for job titles at the upper intermediate level in Iran, eg حسابدار مسئول، كارشناس مسئول، مهندس مسئول etc, denoting some degree of supervisory function over the professional and technical performance of a usually small group of personnel under his direction, the nature of his job often being mainly professional or technical rather than administrative or managerial; Iranian translators have traditionally translated Persian language job titles with this modifier into English using the unmeaning form in charge on the analogy that a person ‘in charge of something’ is one who has some form of responsibility and authority and also on the basis of the meaning of in charge in such forms in English as ‘who is in charge here?’ which is irrelevant and unmeaning in the terminology of job classifications in English. The nearly-equivalent job titles in English for a Persian job title with the modifier مسئول would typically use such adjectives as senior, chief, superintendent, or superintending that is semantically the closest to Persian while English has its own peculiar terminology in this discipline often using other words with the denotation of a foreman that is grammatical a noun.
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